Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Ok, so I've heard back from several of you that you are in favor of getting rid of the 6th point:  6. Sticking to your diet (this could be whatever diet plan you have for yourself. If you are counting calories, following paleo, doing weight watchers...whatever your plan is).

So, for the second half of the challenge, we will NOT count that point. We will count only 5 points each day which are:

1. At least 20 minutes of exercise
2. No Soda (or sugary drinks)
3. No Sweets (desserts, cookies, brownies, cake, etc.)  
4. No Fried Salty processed snacks/Fast food  (chips, cheez-its, french fries, etc.)
5. Drinking the amount of water each day that you should be drinking...you can figure this one out for yourself, it is different for each person.  http://nutrition.about.com/library/blwatercalculator.htm

AND we are starting points over as of yesterday.  So get excited for a fresh start!
There are now only 30 points possible per week. 

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