Sunday, June 23, 2013

Beginning Post: Points and Rules JUNE 2013

We will start this challenge Monday, Monday, June 24th.  Last day of the challenge is Monday, August 5th (well, really it is Sunday August 4th, but you will do your final weigh-in Monday morning) . This Challenge will be 6 weeks long.

Don't forget to do your first weigh-in on Monday June 24th- this is very important so that you can know where you started, you will calculate this beginning weight with your current weight every week of the challenge.

1. We will weigh in once a week on MONDAY morning first thing at our own homes on our own scales. Morning would be best, but if you can't do it monday morning just make sure to weigh yourself at the same time of day each time and under the same circumstances with the same scale. Record your starting weight. You can either give me your weight each week, or if you don't want to do that, you can use the weight loss percentage calculator here: calculate your own percentage of loss.  With that being said, I do still think it is good to come up with a goal weight loss and it is up to you whether you want to share that or keep it to yourself.  I found some good websites calculating bmi and telling you how much you should weigh. Here is one: 

2. Points:
There will be 5 daily points that we can earn.
1. At least 20 minutes of exercise
2. No Soda (or sugary drinks)
3. No Sweets (desserts, cookies, brownies, cake, etc.)  
4. No Salty Fatty processed snacks/Fast food  (chips, cheez-its, french fries, etc.)
5. Drinking the amount of water each day that you should be can figure this one out for yourself, it is different for each person.

So the idea is, you could possibly get 5 points per day, but maybe one day you don't exercise, but you do the rest, you still get 4 points for the day.  There is a possibility of 30 points per week,Sunday is a free day for points.  (however, if there is a week that you need to swap out a particular day for your sunday, that is ok.)  The person with the most points by the end date wins the points portion. Find a way to keep track of your points daily so that you don't forget. Turn them into me each week by MONDAY morning along with your weight loss percentage. (the points week starts monday morning and ends sunday night, so when you report your points on monday, it will the points you earned from the previous monday through sunday night)

3. Free Day:
Sunday is a Free day each week, so you do not count points on Sunday. However, if you want to swap another day out during the week as your free day, you will need to count points Sunday. So, 1 free day per week, can/should usually be Sunday (just for simplicity) but you can change a day out during the week if you need to. Just keep track of this yourself.

4. Prize:
We will each contribute $20. There will be a 1st and 2nd place winner for both the Weight Loss portion and the Points portion. Please get me your $20 (in cash) by JUNE 30th. If you are participating from another location besides castle rock, please mail me a check. I will contact you through email with info on how to get it to me.

Using this blog:
Please feel free to share any diet or exercise tips here on the blog so that we can all benefit!  Also, please feel free to post your success and failures here for support and congratulations. :)
Also, you can post weekly your points and percentage of weight loss here OR you can keep that somewhere else, but please get your points and percentage of weight loss to me by Monday of each week so that I can report standings by Monday night to keep the competition fun.  :) You can text me (720-299-8799) or email me (, or just report on the blog.

1 comment:

  1. That felt like it was making a cameo appearance on a Twilight Zone episode. Bizarre! Moving forward, I'm going into full production. You do not need to risk your credibility.
