Monday, October 8, 2012

So, I pretty much blew week one. I had a grand total of 9 points! I feel like I'm just not in the frame of mind yet to do a challenge like this, but the fact is that I really want to get on track. So tomorrow I am headed back to Weight Watchers. There is a 1/2 Marathon that I want to run in only eight short months, and I am truly starting over at square one. I've never tried to exercise or get into shape with such a young baby. I'm not sure how to go about it. The combination of being extra tired and not being able to leave her because I am nursing is a challenge. After all of my other babies I've given myself at least a year before I even thought of exercising. That method did not serve me well in the long run. With this being my last baby, I don't want to put off getting in shape (hopefully once and for all) and living a healthy life.
Any way, these are just my thoughts today. Any Encouragement and advice is always welcome. HHere's to a better second week. You are all so inspiring.


  1. Losing weight and getting back into shape after a new baby is SO stinking hard!! believe me, i'm still working at it and my baby is 18 months!! Just do your best and don't be too hard on yourself, you are doing great! :)

  2. Have you tried exercising with your baby? I found a baby and mom yoga routine on the other day. You could also try putting her in the moby wrap while you do some lunges and squats. I do all of my exercising in the morning when Sam is sleeping right after I drop James off at school. Sometimes I do it after the kids go to bed but it's not my favorite time. Walking is also a great way to start or finding some videos. I have a Jillian Michaels work-out video that is only 20 minutes long. It's a tough 20 minutes though : ) You are welcome to borrow it. Good luck! Tomorrow is always a new day!

  3. Oh, I forgot that I have a great pregnancy and post pregnancy video that you can borrow if you want. I still did the pregnancy one along with the post pregnancy one until Luke was about 6 months old. Let me know if you want to borrow them and i'll drop them off.
